Still using FTP? Truck hauls data 30x faster thanks to its modern rsync engine (included) which compresses, de-duplicates and encrypts – giving significantly higher performance and security, right from the first transfer. Setup takes 3 clicks (no command line), then just drag-and-drop to transfer. Unlock the performance of rsync with the simplicity of Truck.
18x faster – uploading a new installation of WordPress.
30x faster – downloading a used instance of WordPress.
12x faster – sending an app to another computer in the office.
No data was pre-existing at the destination, these were all first-time transfers – all gains are thanks to rsync’s compression and de-duplication.
Comparisons were made versus the fastest FTP and SFTP apps for Mac, and native SMB sharing.
– Upload and download via rsync by dragging-and-dropping.
– Browse, rename, copy, move and delete remote files very quickly and easily.
– Works over a securely encrypted SSH tunnel (no setup required).
– Includes rsync 3.1.2 (no command-line interaction required).
– Connects to any remote machine.
– Checkboxes to quickly enable rsync’s most powerful features – such as backups/version-controlling, bandwidth-management, retention of partial transfers, etc.
– Push-update the remote system’s version of rsync (includes precompiled binaries to suit a variety of remote machines).
– Advanced GUI controls to selectively tune over 125 other rsync options. Even application-defined defaults can be overridden for a near-command-line level of control.
– Enable ‘scavenging’: a preference to boost transfers by systematically employing rsync’s –copy-dest option; essentially reusing data from existing files in recently-visited directories. Fuzzy matching means that even files that are non-identical can be used as a basis for boosting.
– Filter rules to include/exclude items based on text matching (or advanced pattern matching).
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